Women at War

Are You Ready to Destroy Anxiety

Once & For All?

It's time to stop living with anxiety! If worry and anxiety are robbing joy and peace from your life, then get my FREE e-book now.

Discover proven biblical strategies you can apply right now to beat anxiety, enjoy peace, better sleep and improved health so you can pursue your goals, purpose and destiny.

Grab your FREE e-BOOK & begin your Women at War journey today.

Start Your Women At War Journey Today and Begin Living Victoriously...

Anxiety doesn't belong to

a child of God - It's time to say Enough!

Our enemy wants you to miss your goals, purpose & destiny!

God teaches us to Go to War for our promises & victory over anxiety is your promise!

Sharon Restrepo is a genuine educator and encouarager who loves to share her life's experiences, knowledge and faith in everything she does.

Her motivational story of overcoming suicide after suddenly being widowed 25+ years ago plays a pivotal role in her life. Sharon shares from a place of transparency, humor and vulnerability, in a way that all audiences relate, learn and experience personal and business growth as a result.

Statement of Faith: "We believe that Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God who came to earth through virgin birth, sinless in life, purposed to die on the cross for our sins, making a way of forgiveness and giving those who receive Him as their Savior the promise of eternal life with Him in heaven."

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Restrepo Enterprises, Inc. dba Women At War
PO Box 1494, Rockwell, NC 28138